Welcome to the World of Crypto

Start your journey into the crypto space with our collection of articles.

Crypto Basics

Learn the fundamentals of cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, decentralisation, and more.

Illustration of a phone with a Bitcoin image showcased to illustrate the topic of cryptocurrency 101 for beginners.

Cryptocurrency 101 for Beginners

New to crypto? Start your journey right here where we explain the basics of cryptocurrency, blockchain, and everything you need to know to get started.

Blog cover illustration for how to do your own crypto research

How to Research Crypto?

Take a closer look at the different factors to consider and research before investing in any cryptocurrency coin or token.

Crypto hot and cold wallets blog cover

Crypto Hot Wallet vs. Cold Wallet: Beginner’s Guide

What’s the difference between a crypto hot wallet and cold wallet? Take a closer look and learn which one is right for you.

Deep Dives

Take a deep dive and get a better understanding of the more technical concepts in the world of cryptocurrency.

What is Blockchain Technology

What is Blockchain Technology? A Simple Guide

Blockchain removes the need for intermediaries such as banks and other centralised institutions, that may place an unnecesaary amount of bureaucracy on the users.

Blog cover illustration showcasing crypto punks and bored ape NFT to the right of the main text.

What are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)? How Do They Work?

In this article, we’ll be going over what NFTs are, how exactly they work, as well as their current and potential applications in the future.

What is Decentralised Finance

What is DeFi (Decentralised Finance)?

With the invention of cryptocurrencies, finance becomes decentralised. A whole new industry was born — the Decentralised Finance industry (also known as DeFi).

Crypto Investments

Learn how you can get started investing in crypto with our library of investment topics.

Illustration of a curved graph to illustrate the idea of what is the crypto fear and greed index.

What is the Crypto Fear and Greed Index?

While the price movements seem wild and erratic, crypto traders have noticed quite a few consistent patterns, and have made some generalisations about the market.

Illustration for dollar cost averaging crypto

Dollar-Cost Averaging: Crypto Investing Made Simple

The Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) is an investment principle of distributing your risks by spreading your crypto investments over a regular interval.

Illustration of two guys sitting next to each other to illustrate how to avoid fomo, or fear of missing out in crypto.

How to Avoid Crypto FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

FOMO, or Fear of Missing Out, is a term used when traders or investors feels compelled to take an action due to a market event.

Crypto Coin Guides

Take a closer look at the different cryptocurrency coins and tokens, and learn about their fundamentals and how they work.

Illustration of a person holding a Bitcoin with two hands on a purple background

What is Bitcoin (BTC)? How Does it Work?

In this article, we’ll be going over the fundamentals of Bitcoin, how to safely store Bitcoin, and how you can easily buy Bitcoin.

Image of a guy leaning towards the ethereum coin logo to illustrate the idea of what is ethereum.

What is Ethereum (ETH)? A Complete Guide

In this guide, let’s get to know about Ethereum, what it is, how it works, what it offers, and what the future holds for Ethereum.

Picture of Dogecoin in an astronaut suit to depict the topic of what is dogecoin

What is Dogecoin (DOGE)?

You’ve likely heard of Dogecoin (DOGE) before. While it may look like just a meme coin, there’s actually more to it than that.


Learn all about crypto security, best safety practices, how to identify scams, cryptocurrency wallets, and more.

crypto hot and cold wallet security tips blog cover

Crypto Hot & Cold Wallet Security Tips

Securing your crypto assets is a fundamental aspect of investing in crypto. Learn how you can improve your crypto security with our tips below.

Illustration of two wallets side by side to illustrate the topic of custodial vs. non-custodial crypto wallets.

Understanding Custodial vs. Non-Custodial Crypto Wallets

Ready to take your crypto knowledge to the next level? Learn the differences between custodial vs. non-custodial crypto wallets.

Am I being scammed

Are You Being Scammed? Take the Crypto Scam Quiz

Want to know if you’re being scammed? Take our quiz to identify the red flags of a potential crypto scam.

How-To Guides

Everything you need to know to get started with cryptocurrencies. Learn how to buy, sell, and manage your crypto assets.

Illustration of the Easy Crypto auto-buy feature.

Beginner’s Guide to Auto-Buy: Automating Your Crypto Investments

Learn how you can take advantage of the AutoBuy feature to automate and simplify your crypto investments.

Illustration of the Easy Crypto Affiliates Program.

How to Earn Affiliate Rewards with Easy Crypto

Learn how you can earn passive income with crypto commissions by participating in the Easy Crypto affiliates program.

Illustration for the Easy Crypto Portfolio Tracker.

A Guide to the Easy Crypto Portfolio Tracker

Learn how you can track the growth and manage your cryptocurrency assets with the portfolio tracker.