You Can Now Exchange Between Cryptocurrencies!
Easy Crypto is stoked to announce that you can now effortlessly exchange between cryptocurrencies with our new crypto-to-crypto exchange feature!! And even better news, we don’t charge any fees on this! With our new crypto-to-crypto exchange feature, you can now directly exchange cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin into other cryptos like Ethereum – sent directly to your wallet of choice. Instead of having.

Easy Crypto is stoked to announce that you can now effortlessly exchange between cryptocurrencies with our new crypto-to-crypto exchange feature!!
And even better news, we don’t charge any fees on this!
With our new crypto-to-crypto exchange feature, you can now directly exchange cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin into other cryptos like Ethereum – sent directly to your wallet of choice.

Instead of having to use an international exchange (or an expensive wallet) to convert your coins into others, Easy Crypto is here to help you with everything from buying, selling, tracking and now exchanging your cryptocurrency assets. We have your back!

How To Use EC’s Crypto Swapper
To showcase our Crypto Swapper feature, as an example we’ll run you through converting Ethereum into Bitcoin. This is just ETH and BTC though, you have the option to convert between 150+ of our listed currencies.

Your first step is to head to our crypto swapper page, insert the coins and amount you want to swap and provide us with your wallet address.
As soon as the swap is completed on our end, your new coins will be sent directly to your wallet of choice – typically within under 10 minutes of creating your trade.
You can also easily summon any address saved in your address book!

Once you’ve entered in those details, your next step is to simply click ‘Create swap’. 🙂
Once you’ve done that you’ll be prompted to send the crypto you’re swapping over to us to complete the transaction.

Just copy the send address into your wallet and send away!
After that, head on over to your My Account/Orders page to see the order.
It will appear just like any of your other orders.
Under ‘Order Type’ you will see ‘Swap’ which will identify this is the one. And then we wait…

And BANG. You’ll see that under status this has changed to ‘completed’, and your new coins will be sent to your wallet within about 15 minutes.
Don’t forget to reach out to the team if you ever get stuck creating a swap order and we hope this makes life a lot easier for everyone out there!
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Disclaimer: Information is current as at the date of publication. This is general information only and is not intended to be advice. Crypto is volatile, carries risk and the value can go up and down. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. Please do your own research.
Last updated October 18, 2022