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New Coin Listing: The Root Network (ROOT)

ROOT, the native token of The Root Network, is now listed on Easy Crypto! It's now easier than ever for traders and enthusiasts to join the Web3, AI, and metaverse ecosystem.


Posted June 26, 2024

New coin listed The Root Network ROOT
New coin listed The Root Network ROOT

We are thrilled to announce that ROOT, the native token of The Root Network, is now officially listed on Easy Crypto – both the exchange and the new Easy Crypto Wallet.

This marks a significant milestone for our community and opens up new avenues for traders and enthusiasts to get involved with this innovative blockchain ecosystem.

Introducing The Root Network (ROOT)

The Root Network, a pioneering layer-1 blockchain based in New Zealand, seamlessly integrates Web3, AI, and the metaverse, offering a robust platform for creating scalable and interoperable apps, games, and experiences.

Screenshot of the Root Network ROOT token homepage

With major partnerships, including FIFA and Warner Bros., Futureverse is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the digital realm.

Why Get Excited About ROOT?

  • Stake and Earn: Stake your ROOT tokens on The Root Network to earn rewards funded by network fees and Bootstrap rewards.
  • Revenue Sharing: Participate in The Vortex pool to earn a share of network fees, distributed to active network participants.
  • Voice in Governance: Use ROOT to propose and vote on changes within the network, giving you a direct say in the future of the platform.
  • Community Rewards: 40% of ROOT’s total supply will be distributed to our community through land mechanics and the FutureScore program, rewarding active and loyal members with ROOT-based incentives for their active participation in Quests.

With ROOT now available on both the Easy Crypto exchange and the Easy Crypto Wallet, it’s easier than ever to join the growing community and be a part of the future of blockchain innovation.

Don’t miss out—start trading ROOT today and become an integral part of the Futureverse journey!

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Disclaimer: Information is current as at the date of publication. This is general information only and is not intended to be advice. Crypto is volatile, carries risk and the value can go up and down. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. Please do your own research.

Last updated June 26, 2024

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