Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Statistics
BITCOIN AND CRYPTOCURRENCY STATISTICS As you can see on the X-Axis of this graph the number of Bitcoin transactions per quarter is increasing over time. The Y-Axis of this chart shows each quarter from Q1 2016 – Q4 2019 In this graph, we take a look at the Bitcoin Blockchain size in megabytes over time quarterly. As we can see the Bitcoin.

As you can see on the X-Axis of this graph the number of Bitcoin transactions per quarter is increasing over time. The Y-Axis of this chart shows each quarter from Q1 2016 – Q4 2019

In this graph, we take a look at the Bitcoin Blockchain size in megabytes over time quarterly. As we can see the Bitcoin Blockchains total size increase is a perfect exponential uptrend.

Below’s graph represents Bitcoins market cap in U.S. Billion dollars quarterly between Q4 2013 and Q1 2020.

Here we can see the number of Bitcoins in circulation from Q4 2012 till the first quarter of 2020. Currently, there are roughly 18.3 million Bitcoins in circulation worldwide.

Here we have statistical information on Bitcoin transaction times from Jan 18 through until Feb 2020 with the average time per transaction in minutes being roughly 11.

This Infographic represents the total number of active Crypto traders across the globe. If this information is accurate that means roughly 1.3% of the total world’s population owns some Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency

Let’s take a look at some Bitcoin Mining statistics!

Current Bitcoin mining difficulty – 139,12,524,048,946
Current Hashrate – 115.014 E hash/s =18.12% in 24 hours
Profit made mining Bitcoin with 1THash/s in USD per day – $0.1329
Reward received per block in BTC – 12.50 + 13.79 BTC
Reward received per block in USD – $88,002.85 USD
Reward in BTC for the last 24hrs – 2,000 + 13.79 BTC
Reward in USD for the last 24hrs – $14,080,453,39 USD
Bitcoins left to be mined – 2,692,013.0
Percentage of Bitcoins issued – 87.182%
New Bitcoins created per day currently – 1,800 BTC
Slushpool has around 200k miners, this equates to 12% of the network hash rate. Judging by these figures and guesstimating that other pools have numbers in this region we can safely say there is likely to be over 1 million unique individuals mining blocks on the Bitcoin network!
According to the mainstream media, Bitcoin has died 380+ times in its 11-year reign

On May 22nd, 2010 Laszlo Hanyecz paid 10,000 BTC (USD 41) at the time of purchase for two Papa John’s delicious (I hope) Pizzas. Today worth a staggering AUD 105,832,500
To commemorate the occasion May 22nd each year is celebrated as Bitcoin Pizza Day and many pizza joint’s worldwide give discounts on the day

When WikiLeaks banking was blocked by the US government in October 2017, Julian Assange tweeted thanking the government for forcing them to invest in Bitcoin with fantastic results!
50,000% return!

More fun Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin statistics coming soon…
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Disclaimer: Information is current as at the date of publication. This is general information only and is not intended to be advice. Crypto is volatile, carries risk and the value can go up and down. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. Please do your own research.
Last updated October 18, 2022