Bitcoin Growth Over the Past 11 Years
2008 was the year of Bitcoins inception in which the early pioneers like the unknown person or persons named Satoshi Nakamoto started implementing the new technology. Initially Bitcoin didn’t take off, but once people started to see it’s many use cases and potential it started becoming a force within a few years. Bitcoin, over the years since has had many.

2008 was the year of Bitcoins inception in which the early pioneers like the unknown person or persons named Satoshi Nakamoto started implementing the new technology.
Initially Bitcoin didn’t take off, but once people started to see it’s many use cases and potential it started becoming a force within a few years. Bitcoin, over the years since has had many highs and lows. Like any new emerging speculative market there has been some major setbacks, but Bitcoins recovery and battle-scarred endurance was there for all to see. In late 2017 when Bitcoin really started to make a rocket like move past all old all-time highs we saw google trend searches also skyrocket and Bitcoin became a real household name.

Come around to 2020, it is reported that 4.7% of Australians have used Bitcoin exchanges like Easy Crypto Australia to buy Bitcoin. By looking back the last 11 years of Bitcoin, it feels safe to say that the number of Australians buying Bitcoin will only to continue to increase.

How Much Bitcoin Growth Can Expect in 2020?
At its peak, Bitcoins market cap grew to a staggering $320 Billion dollars and that is only Bitcoin not including the whole cryptocurrency market. $320 Billion is an absolute motza; Let’s compare that to the global stock market. The market cap of the global stock market was an incredible $70 Trillion Dollars. If we break that down mathematically Bitcoins market cap was a mere 0.005% of the global stock market’s market cap.

The potential for Bitcoin growth given the ever-increasing adoption of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in relation to the total global market cap is what drives many long term investors to throw their hard-earned cash into Bitcoin. Even if we see 0.020% of the entire global market cap funnel into Bitcoin it will make Bitcoins market cap balloon to a staggering $1.28 Trillion dollars with an estimated single unit Bitcoin price of $80,000 USD. This could easily be dwarfed however with some experts looking at a price closer to $1 million per Bitcoin in years to come.

How to Buy Bitcoin in Australia
Many Australians hear about Bitcoins potential as an international currency or digital store of value and immediately decide to buy Bitcoin. Actually doing so, on the other hand, can not always be easy.
That is where we, Easy Crypto Australia can help.
Easy Crypto Australia is your best choice to buy Bitcoin in Australia with Australian dollars for three key reasons:
- We typically have the best Bitcoin (BTC) prices in Australia
- You can glide through our automated verification and purchasing process and buy or sell Bitcoin in minutes after signing up.
- Our ordering process was built to be used by someone who is brand new to the Bitcoin world, so you won’t have any trouble getting started.

How to Buy Bitcoin in Australia through Easy Crypto
Your first step is to create a free Easy Crypto Account, which you can do in 30 seconds here.
Once you have created your account, your next step is to get it verified. Across the world, it is the standard on Bitcoin exchanges to verify your identity, and this is no different in Australia. All Australian Bitcoin exchanges are required to comply to local Australian laws surrounding the sales of Bitcoin and another cryptocurrency – but don’t worry – Your verification can be completed in minutes!
Now that your verification is complete, it’s time to buy your Bitcoin!
To see our full guide on how to buy Bitcoin using Easy Crypto Australia, click here. You shouldn’t need our guide though, our system is very easy!
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Disclaimer: Information is current as at the date of publication. This is general information only and is not intended to be advice. Crypto is volatile, carries risk and the value can go up and down. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. Please do your own research.
Last updated October 18, 2022