November 2018 Giveaway
The bad-ass giveaway baby yeah! In celebration of our much-anticipated sell back feature going live, we are giving away 100$ New Zealand dollars worth of any of the 43 cryptocurrencies on our site. Terms of entry: All you have to do is comment the most bad-ass thing you would spend your cryptocurrency fortune on. This can be anything from experiences.

The bad-ass giveaway baby yeah!
In celebration of our much-anticipated sell back feature going live, we are giving away 100$ New Zealand dollars worth of any of the 43 cryptocurrencies on our site.
Terms of entry:
All you have to do is comment the most bad-ass thing you would spend your cryptocurrency fortune on. This can be anything from experiences to material items, Rocketships to Earthships, Yeezys to Ferraris, or a combination of any or all.
The winner will be chosen on the 23rd of November, two weeks after the initial giveaway post was announced. The winner will be hand-picked by the Easy Crypto team based on how epic and badass the idea is in your comment.
As the giveaway ends, the winner will receive a direct message from us via Facebook, and we will request your choice of coins and relevant wallet addresses.
Happy trading,
EC marketing team.
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Click here to learn more about our Sell feature-
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Disclaimer: Information is current as at the date of publication. This is general information only and is not intended to be advice. Crypto is volatile, carries risk and the value can go up and down. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. Please do your own research.
Last updated October 18, 2022